Bouillons de Paris: 7 restaurants offering a unique experience at low prices

The first Bouillons appeared in Paris in 1855, initiated by a butcher who offered a unique dish to workers at Les Halles, Paris’ major food market. The concept was a huge success, and by 1900, Paris had nearly 250 bouillons. The decor is often Art Nouveau, and the rooms are large and welcoming. People come to enjoy traditional French dishes at very affordable prices.

Reservations are not possible, so it’s best to dine here on weekdays and arrive early (12:00 to 12:30 and 19:00 to 19:30) to avoid the wait. We tried out almost all the establishments.

Bouillon Chartier

Bouillon Chartier

As soon as you walk through the door of Chartier, on boulevard Montmartre, you take a trip back in time. Listed as a historic monument, the place takes us back to 1896, when the Chartier brothers transformed this former station concourse into a popular canteen. Building on their success, in 1903 they opened a second restaurant on boulevard du Montparnasse, also in the Art Nouveau style. The menu is identical in both establishments, but because of its history and spectacular dining room, we recommend the historic Faubourg Montmartre address. Typical atmosphere guaranteed!

Bouillon Chartier
Bouillon Chartier
Bouillon Chartier
Traditional 5A grilled andouillette with mustard sauce

For a starter, main course, dessert, a quarter of wine and coffee, the bill comes to less than €30.

Bouillon Chartier
Starters from 1€ to 7€50 – main courses from 7€ to 13€80  
Historical address: 7 rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009 Paris
2nd restaurant : 59 Boulevard Montparnasse, 75006 Paris


Restaurant Julien Paris

Opened in 1903, Julien boasts a particularly striking Art Nouveau decor. The restaurant’s roof, facade and dining room are listed historic monuments.

For the record, Bouillon Julien was one of Edith Piaf‘s favorite restaurants, since the training room of her lover, Marcel Cerdan, was just a few dozen meters away.

Restaurant Julien Paris
Restaurant Julien Paris

An excellent sea bream on a bed of crushed potatoes in olive oil, served with a seasoning of cherry tomatoes, onions and parsley.

Restaurant Julien Paris
Restaurant Julien Paris
A well-interpreted classic of French patisserie, the Baba au rhum.

And always a 3-course meal with drinks and coffee for around €30.

Bouillon Julien
Starters from 4€30 to 9€90 – Main courses from 9€90 to 13€80
16 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris

Bouillon Racine

It’s an exception in this selection of Parisian bouillons, in the sense that it’s a little less focused on everyday cooking than the others. Culinary creations and plate designs are a little more elaborate, and prices are slightly higher.

Unlike all the other bouillons, too, you’ll be able to make reservations, and crowds during the summer vacations are considerably lower.

Bouillon Racine

Originally created by the Chartier brothers, the restaurant no longer belongs to the same group as the other two mentioned at the start of this article.

It still boasts a beautiful Art Nouveau decor.

Bouillon Racine
Bouillon Racine

One of the dishes we sampled was an excellent Gaspacho with peas and feta cheese, perfect for summertime.

Bouillon Racine

You should expect to pay just over €30 for a starter, main course, dessert and coffee, which is still a “very good deal” for the quality of the products, the service and the setting.

Bouillon Racine
Starters from 9€75 to 21€00. Main courses from 19€ to 38€. 2-course lunch menu at 19€50.
3 rue Racine – 75006 Paris

Bouillon Pigalle

This address was recently created. It serves up to 1,800 covers a day at unbeatable prices. The decor, carefully inspired by the bistro style of the Belle Époque, is quite refined. Upstairs, a more intimate room opens onto an enclosed terrace, which is very popular in summer. Because of the crowds, the atmosphere can be a little noisy, but that’s part of the charm of the place.

Bouillon Pigalle

We tasted a Basque black pudding served with a purée. This recipe, based on offal, pork blood, onions and Espelette peppers, offers a fairly convincing flavor and texture, despite a presentation that could be more attractive.

Bouillon Pigalle

Bouillon Pigalle and its sister restaurant, Bouillon République, both offer the same menu. A 3-course meal with a drink and coffee costs €25, with quite decent culinary quality, though not as good as at Bouillon Julien.

Bouillon Pigalle
Starters from 2€50 to 9€80 – Main courses from 8€60 to 13€90
22 Boulevard de Clichy – 75018 Paris

Bouillon République
Starters from 2€50 to 9€80 – Main courses from 8€60 to 13€90
39 bd du Temple – 75003 Paris

The Petit Bouillon Pharamond

Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond

The Petit Bouillon Pharamond has a more intimate atmosphere than its competitors. Founded in 1832 and renovated in Art Nouveau style for the 1900 Universal Exhibition, it is famous for its listed floral ceramics. The restaurant has two main dining rooms and four lounges that can accommodate from two to fifteen people, at extra cost.

François Mitterrand visited the Bouillon Pharamond many times, as did Jacques Chirac, who frequented the restaurant on several occasions.

Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond
Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond

The restaurant offers a good foie gras for 9€90. It’s hard to beat the price, even if the presentation could do with a little more seduction.

Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond

The petit salé with lentils is really very good, very fragrant, and you could smell the aromas of the bacon and the bouquet garni.

In a particularly pleasant setting, we ate very well at a price of around €30 per person, again for a three-course meal with drinks and coffee.

Le petit bouillon Pharamond
Starters 4€30 to 9€90 – Main courses 9€90 to 13€80
24 Rue de la Grande Truanderie, 75001 Paris

Parisian Bouillons, with their Art Nouveau decor and friendly atmosphere, offer an authentic experience of French cuisine at a very affordable price. Those who appreciate this unique blend will find it an essential stop-off point for discovering one of the charms of Paris.

19, rue des Prêtres-Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois
75001 Paris

+33 (0)1 40 41 96 42

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